to Mar 14

People's Union Boycott -- Amazon March 7 -14

Who We Are Fighting

Join the People’s Union in building a movement that is not just about resisting corruption, it is about exposing it. For decades, corporations, politicians, and industries have worked together to rig the system against the American people. They have built an economy designed to exploit workers, suppress wages, and keep the majority of us in a constant state of struggle. These are the forces that have stolen our financial freedom, manipulated our government, and kept power in the hands of the wealthy elite.

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to Mar 28

People's Union Boycott -- Nestle March 21-28

Who We Are Fighting

Join the People’s Union in building a movement that is not just about resisting corruption, it is about exposing it. For decades, corporations, politicians, and industries have worked together to rig the system against the American people. They have built an economy designed to exploit workers, suppress wages, and keep the majority of us in a constant state of struggle. These are the forces that have stolen our financial freedom, manipulated our government, and kept power in the hands of the wealthy elite.

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7:00 AM07:00

WI State Supreme Court Election

In 2023, Judge Janet Protasiewicz flipped control of the Wisconsin Supreme Court, resulting in a 4-3 Democratic majority. That win resulted in an end to gerrymandered maps that had given the GOP huge majorities in the state legislature. And, despite the general rightward swing in November, WI Democrats gained 10 seats in the State Assembly and 4 in the State Senate. There is now a realistic chance of winning a Democratic majority in one or both chambers in 2026.

State Supreme Courts are important. Lean Left will be supporting Susan Crawford. According to Crawford, keeping the current balance on the court intact is a priority: “For the first time in years, we have a majority on the court focused on…following the law, and protecting our constitutional rights…We can’t risk having that progress reversed.”

You can learn more about Susan Crawford on her website.

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to Apr 13

People's Union Boycott -- Amazon March 7 -14

Who We Are Fighting

Join the People’s Union in building a movement that is not just about resisting corruption, it is about exposing it. For decades, corporations, politicians, and industries have worked together to rig the system against the American people. They have built an economy designed to exploit workers, suppress wages, and keep the majority of us in a constant state of struggle. These are the forces that have stolen our financial freedom, manipulated our government, and kept power in the hands of the wealthy elite.

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7:00 AM07:00

Protecting Democracy from Authoritarian Threat

Meet Tim Snyder, author of On Tyranny +
Deana El-Mallawany of Protect Democracy

Our democracy is facing an unprecedented authoritarian threat for which most of our citizens + institutions are unprepared. Scholar, author + commentator Tim Snyder is uniquely qualified to help us understand the nature of this threat + the role ordinary citizens can play in countering it. 

He will be joined by Deana Kim El-Mallawany, Counsel + a Director at Protect Democracy. Protect Democracy is a cross-ideological nonprofit group dedicated to defeating the authoritarian threat, defending the rule of law, protecting elections + public discourse + shaping the democracy of tomorrow.

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7:00 AM07:00

Beyond Messaging: Learning from + Countering Right Wing Propaganda

A conversation with Kate Basett, National Political Editor for the Courier Newsroom.

The Trump campaign successfully engaged voters + won the election despite being outraised + outspent by Democrats. The Right has been driving + capitalizing on rapid changes in the media landscape + the emergence of influential new messengers. 

 How did that happen?

 And what can we do about it?

Kate Bassett, an expert on media + messaging, will walk us through what happened. She will explain how Courier Newsroom + other media organizations are adapting to the new media realities, creating effective infrastructure for Democrats to connect with voters + to counter right wing messaging.  

Courier Newsroom is a values-driven civic news organization that is the fastest growing local newsroom in America with newsrooms in 11 states. Bassett has spent more than 20 years at the intersection of media + politics, increasing civic participation + building community power all over the country. She is VP of Strategic Initiatives at Courier.

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6:30 PM18:30

New Pennsylvania Project: Why Courts Matter

Why Attend?
This townhall will focus on the importance of our state and federal courts, how they impact our daily lives, and how to engage in the state judicial election process, and protect the independence of our federal courts.  

Specifically, we will discuss:

  • How federal judges are appointed and confirmed for a lifetime, and their long-term impact on our daily lives.

  • The 2025 Pennsylvania judicial elections (including retention elections for three seats on the PA Supreme Court).

Your participation in state judicial elections can make a difference. A civically engaged electorate is crucial to ensuring fair and independent courts.

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10:00 AM10:00

NC: GOTV for Mecklenburg County

Join a fabulous group of activists to make calls into Charlotte/Mecklenburg County, NC. All In for NC, in partnership with the Meck Dems, will be leading this final effort to Get Out the Vote. We will be talking to voters, and persuading them to turn out to vote for Dems up and down the ballot while we share important voting information.

For new callers: Calls are made with an easy-to-use software. All in for NC trainers will help you feel confident with the conversations and the technology.

For experienced callers who have attended at least one Lean Left PowerHour: Indicate your group as Lean Left Vermont when you sign up via Mobilize, and you can bypass the calling tool training and start making calls right away!

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9:00 AM09:00

PA Get Out the Vote!

Join us virtually to phonebank and talk with key voters across Pennsylvania about electing Democrats down-ballot! Times are from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM. This phonebank is especially designed for volunteers outside Pennsylvania, but everyone is welcome to participate.

Prefer to make calls on your own schedule? Join our Anytime Call-Crew here:

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6:00 PM18:00

NH: Phone Bank with Planned Parenthood

  • Planned Parenthood NH Action Fund (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join Planned Parenthood New Hampshire Action Fund in their efforts to protect and expand abortion access, LGBTQ+ rights, and bodily autonomy in New Hampshire! Without protections in the state constitution or law, the future of abortion access depends upon each election, who holds power in Concord and Washington DC, and how we show up for our community. PP will start with a training and then call voters in NH.

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12:30 PM12:30

NC: Absentee Ballot Cure

NC Dems Ballot Chase & Cure. We’re calling likely Dems whose absentee ballots were rejected by their county Boards of Election. We’ll give them the information they need to "cure" their ballots and make sure their votes are counted. Training provided; you will need to use your computer, an online script/calling platform, and your phone to make these calls.

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10:00 AM10:00

NC: GOTV for Mecklenburg County

Join a fabulous group of activists to make calls into Charlotte/Mecklenburg County, NC. All In for NC, in partnership with the Meck Dems, will be leading this final effort to Get Out the Vote. We will be talking to voters, and persuading them to turn out to vote for Dems up and down the ballot while we share important voting information.

For new callers: Calls are made with an easy-to-use software. All in for NC trainers will help you feel confident with the conversations and the technology.

For experienced callers who have attended at least one Lean Left PowerHour: Indicate your group as Lean Left Vermont when you sign up via Mobilize, and you can bypass the calling tool training and start making calls right away!

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9:00 AM09:00

PA Get Out the Vote!

Join us virtually to phonebank and talk with key voters across Pennsylvania about electing Democrats down-ballot! Times are from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM. This phonebank is especially designed for volunteers outside Pennsylvania, but everyone is welcome to participate.

Prefer to make calls on your own schedule? Join our Anytime Call-Crew here:

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6:00 PM18:00

NC: GOTV for Mecklenburg County

Join a fabulous group of activists to make calls into Charlotte/Mecklenburg County, NC. All In for NC, in partnership with the Meck Dems, will be leading this final effort to Get Out the Vote. We will be talking to voters, and persuading them to turn out to vote for Dems up and down the ballot while we share important voting information.

For new callers: Calls are made with an easy-to-use software. All in for NC trainers will help you feel confident with the conversations and the technology.

For experienced callers who have attended at least one Lean Left PowerHour: Indicate your group as Lean Left Vermont when you sign up via Mobilize, and you can bypass the calling tool training and start making calls right away!

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5:30 PM17:30

NC: Absentee Ballot Cure

NC Dems Ballot Chase & Cure. We’re calling likely Dems whose absentee ballots were rejected by their county Boards of Election. We’ll give them the information they need to "cure" their ballots and make sure their votes are counted. Training provided; you will need to use your computer, an online script/calling platform, and your phone to make these calls.

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4:00 PM16:00

NC: GOTV for Mecklenburg County

Join a fabulous group of activists to make calls into Charlotte/Mecklenburg County, NC. All In for NC, in partnership with the Meck Dems, will be leading this final effort to Get Out the Vote. We will be talking to voters, and persuading them to turn out to vote for Dems up and down the ballot while we share important voting information.

For new callers: Calls are made with an easy-to-use software. All in for NC trainers will help you feel confident with the conversations and the technology.

For experienced callers who have attended at least one Lean Left PowerHour: Indicate your group as Lean Left Vermont when you sign up via Mobilize, and you can bypass the calling tool training and start making calls right away!

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